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Labour cost for replacing taps?

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B1GW1G | 20:54 Mon 28th Feb 2011 | DIY
7 Answers
I would like to ask a plumber to replace two sets of taps.

What should I expect to pay them for this?


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This is one of those '"how long is a piece of string?" questions!

An efficient (and surprisingly cheap!) plumber could probably change two sets of taps in under an hour, and charge you thirty quid or so. Another plumber would take two hours, at £50 per hour, and charge you a hundred quid. A third plumber might add a call-out charge onto that, and charge far more.

Here are some actual prices charged by plumbers:

Follow the golden rule and get some quotes before entering any commitment!

Depends on how easy it is to get access to the taps. I am looking into replacing bath taps at the moment and I can't see how to do it without removing either the bath or the toilet. I don't fancy paying for either option.
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Might be worth asking your question on the 'Is This Quote Fair? ' section of the Money Saving Expert forum......

you'll be lucky to find a plumber willing to do such a small job, you'd be as well finding a reputable handy man in your area who would be happy to do it and probably a lot cheaper!

Lady i know in our area paid £40 for 1 set once she'd found a plumber willing to do it
Plumber will probably send the apprentice to do it....
ummmmm - Apprentice? do they excist

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Labour cost for replacing taps?

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