Quizzes & Puzzles14 mins ago
Taking the stubborn out of stains
By Tom Gard
A couple of recent questions�have been about�the stubborn question of how to remove stains. We look at range of likely culprits and how to get them out of what.
Q. What's the first thing to do if you stained or marked something
A. Do something about it as soon as possible. The longer you leave it the more likely it is to mark.
When you start working on the stain work from the outside in and dab or blot the area rather than rub. If you need water make sure it is warm rather than hot. Hot water seals the stain in.
Q. How do you get red wine stains out of fabric
A. There are all sorts of methods. Some recommend using salt to soak up the liquid, but others maintain this keeps the stain damp and attracts dirt on carpets. One method is to soak in white wine and then sponge.
On carpets use talcum powder to dry out the area. Others prefer baking soda, or even lemonade. Click here to see sickboy's question and glug's answer.
Q.Is there any way of getting rid of biro marks
A.These are among the most difficult to treat, especially when the ink has been allowed to dry. First get as much off as you can with warm water and then use methylated spirits, applied with something like a cotton bud, to the remainder.
An alternative, suggested by hot dog in reply to a question from ukiyo, is hairspray. Like meths it is the alcohol content that dissolves the ink. Click here to see the question and answer.
Q. How do you get chewing gum out of carpets
A. Put some ice cubes in a plastic bag and hold onto the chewing gum until it goes hard. Chip away as much as you can with a knife and then rub off any residue with white spirit.
Q. What's the best way of getting rid of grease or candlewax marks
A. If you get hot wax on a carpet or clothing let it harden first and scrape off as much as possible. Treat what's left in the same way as grease. Place brown or blotting paper over the affected area and press down with the tip of a medium hot iron until the stain is absorbed into the paper.
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