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Digital video camera

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arden | 17:40 Wed 18th May 2011 | Technology
5 Answers
Our very old digital video camera has died a death through old age. It would not be cost effective to get it repaired but the problem is how to view all the old mini cassettes? Can they be transferred to another more modern medium.


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Hi arden,

You'll find if you look around and depending on your location and whether you are in the UK that there are several companies that specialise in just this sort of i've posted you a company based in Birmingham which offers such a service.


You can also try local camera shops near you as a lot of tghem do take on this work and if not can probably recommmend a good one for you.

Best of luck :0)
Question Author
Yogi your a star. Thank you for taking the time to answer.
No trouble at all, arden and always a pleasure if i can help out.

Hope you get them all transferred as you want.

All the best

yogi :0)
You might be able to get a vhs video adapter. I have one for my old camera and it's mini cassettes. The adapter can play the tapes into a vhs or dvd hdd recorder for recording. Might be cheaper than getting a company to do it.
Cant you just plug your Video recorder into your PC to download them on to PC or is it totally dead, maybe you could just borrow a video recorder just to download them.

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Digital video camera

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