1. Rule 25 states that a sailing vessel propelled by both sail and machinery should display a cone, pointing downwards, forward. (Vessels under 12m [39.4 feet] long, sailing under the Inland Rules are exempt from the provision but that's clearly not relevant to your question).
2. Rule 30 states that, by day, a vessel at anchor must display a black ball forward. At night the vessel should display an all-round white light. (If over 50m, a second light [aft and lower] must also be displayed).
3. (Rule 25 again). A sailing yacht under 20m should EITHER display a tricolour lantern at the masthead (showing white to the stern, red to port and green to starboard) OR combined red/green sidelights forward and an aft white stern-light. (A vessel under 7m should show the same lights if practicable "but if she does not, she shall have ready at hand an electric torch or lighted lantern showing a white light which shall be exhibited in sufficient time to prevent collision"). A vessel over 20m must display separate red and green sidelights forward and a white stern-light.
Answer sourced from the diagrams in a very old nautical almanac on my bookshelf, but checked as still current here: