Speakers in The AnswerBank: How it Works
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ravenhair | 16:17 Fri 07th Jun 2002 | How it Works
3 Answers
Can I use the left and right channels of a stereo amp connected together into one speaker or will I damage the amp and possibly cause a small house fire?
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You will damage the amp and probably cause a small house fire, Unless the amp is purposly built to operate that way, Some amp's are, but most commonly power amps.
umm why not visit the local dump and see if there is a salvageable set of speakers there? Surely thats better than burning the house down?
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Thanks for your answers - it's not that I only possess one speaker, it's that I live with a hi-fi-obsessed man who has approximately twenty sets of speakers and a houseful of amps and other equipment which I cannot begin to understand. I asked the question on his behalf as he has been doing a little ... experimenting with ampy, speakery, channelly things. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must just go and dial 999.

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