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Pennies In a Jar

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bellazella | 23:57 Wed 07th Mar 2012 | ChatterBank
22 Answers
Not just pennies, but loose silver, getting quite obsessive about getting change, so that i can feed my money boxes....


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Keep going,its surprising how it mounts up.
I've always done that - it pays for all my wee treats
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Yep ure right, i dont give the right money to get change lol...
Well you will have no problems there, if you are half as good getting change as you are posting questions :)
Yes, I've got one. The kids don't want copper coins even when I offer them. I keep telling them if they have 20 pennies it's the same as a 20p piece but they remain unconvinced. So they go into my jar until such times as I have enough to take to the Bank and exchange for a note. I read somewhere that there is quite a large amount of money hanging around in jars in various houses.
I collect 5p's 20p's and copper.

Every 6 months there is approx £60 -£70. Enough for 6 months road tax.

You're right giveup, it does add up and you don't miss it daily
Trish and I have done it for years to pay for any little treats etc. It's surprising how quickly it mounts up. There was bit in one of the papers the other week about how many million pounds worth of change has disappeared from the system because of people collecting change.
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Mass, i am the same lol
I have friends who saved pennies in a jar to buy their first dog, and they chose 'Pennijar' as their kennel name.
We've got a big, plastic coke bottle and the change goes in there - it's called the holiday fund but we have been on holiday twice since we got it and we haven't used any of the money in it. Not sure how we will move the coins in it though as I can't pick it up.
I use a savings tin ( £1 from Poundland/Poundworld ) which has to be opened with a tin opener and put the proceeds from one bet each day in it. I opened a year's worth of cans on 30th November last year and had just over £400. It paid for some nice presents.
We have a coffee machine at work and I keep my penny jar in my locker so I always have change for coffee :)
What ever you do sherradk, take the time to count and bag it yourself these machines in places like Tesco take between 7%-10% which adds up if you've got a couple of hundred pounds worth of change to cash in
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Feel banks look down on people that bring in loose change, rather pay a couple of quid to rid of it
Sod the banks looking down their noses, I'm taking ours to a bank!
Nationwide only accept 5 bags of coins at a time. I have £30 of 1 and 2ps waiting to be lodged.
bellazella, if you've got a £200-£300 worth of change that couple of quid could be £20-£30. As sherrardk says sod the banks that's what they're there for looking after money
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Pads, no likely to be £40 squid
Never had any trouble at our local Natwest, we've got a savings account which we use for any small lottery, bingo wins etc and the last time we cashed in our change they accepted about £180 worth of change with no problem
I save 20ps in a large china pig and £2 coins in another jar. Had enough to pay for a holiday last year. have noticed that I get very few £2 coins these days.

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