Went out earlier and when we came back in I checked the phone to see if we had missed any calls. Looking at the last couple of calls we have had the last and last but one are from mobile phones and have exactly the same number except for the last number which are one apart from each other (ie the numbers are the same but one ends 4 and one ends 5). Just thought it was about odd!
Know who the people are (both customers) and totally unconnected - two local people ringing with sequential numbers wouldn't be so odd, but mobile numbers are a law unto themselves.
My father who passed away 3 months ago and myself had consecutive numbers.
His phone was on pre pay and mine is on a contract.
I do check his phone about every 2 or 3 days to see if anybody has tried to call him.
Because there is only about £2 credit on his phone I call the people back on my phone and some have noticed the end number is different.
So far I have had about a dozen people wanting to speak to my father after he passed away.
One of the calls were made last Friday.
I think most of these calls will die out over the next 2 / 3 months but I will keep Dad's phone in the car in case it is required in an emergency and I wll probably charge it up weekly and check for calls at the same time.
I lived with one of my sisters for a while and it transpired we'd been issued the same PIN for our separate personal bank accounts just by chance. Then when I joined my company they told me the alarm code, which handily was also the same as my PIN.