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kloofnek | 17:45 Wed 16th May 2012 | Personal Finance
1 Answers
If one receives pension HB/CT.Then moves a partner in to live with them and doesn`t want the HB/CT.Would one still get their Pension Credit or would it be took off them cos they are co-habiting with someone?

If one owns their own home(paid for), would one still get pension credit,if State Pension is a low one.

If an offspring moves in a pays the rent,woulf Pension Credit still be payable.

These are all questions friends have asked me to put to you.

Wish they would ask for something simple to make strawberry jam!!!


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1. If a single claimant gets a partner they must let the Pension Credit(PC) people know, & the award will almost certainly be recalculated.

2. You can get PC if you own a home - even if there is no mortgage. It depends on your income.

3. Rent received is additional income - again the PC people must be notified, although some people on PC have an "assessed income period" which can mean the award is not altered for an income increase.

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