I don't know what's going on at the moment, when I log in it takes ages for my profile and answer to appear. It's been like this for a couple of days. I'm having to use Firefox at the moment, could it be this or is AB slow for you too?
It is very frustrating Tony. I think really that a site that wants to attract lots of users hence advertising it really does need to work on all browsers, including the maligned but much used by many Internet Explorer. I don't get this problem anywhere else on the net.
Yes, the 'send' button freezes and yet I find that the post has been sent sometimes, and I'm using 'refresh' a lot. Another annoyance is that what seems to be the address of an ad being sent appears flickering at the bottom of the screen, preventing anything from happening until the ad is on.
Yes, I'm periodically getting a 'The Answerbank is not responding' message. Sometimes, just refreshing will clear it and sometimes not. I'm using IE, but not getting this problem with any other websites. Maybe it's just heavy traffic?