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maths problem

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rsvp | 17:26 Mon 10th Sep 2012 | How it Works
126 Answers
have just seen this and would welcome thoughts from greater brains than mine!
4x4+4x4+4-4x4 = ?.......I got20 but has been a long time since I was at school.
My reasoning is .....
(4x4)+(4x4) = 32
32+4= 36
- (4x4) 16 therefore answer is 36-16 =20

Very happy to be proven wrong but would love to know why!!! thank you


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Best thread of the day.
Odd to get 100+ when the first answer sorted it ......
19:19 Mon 10th Sep 2012
Im painfully aware i failed miserably at math in school, and in fact still struggle with it now, but can someone explain in plain english (now that I did understand!) why you're all putting brackets in the equation when there's none in the question?

Of course, if you tweak the brackets and write (4*4)+(4*4)+(4-4)*4 then the answer is 32.
Standard maths rules, B00.

In the absence of brackets you assume it's in the following order...

^'Joe apparently failed maths then. it's (obviously, as has been stated)


4x4+4x4+4-4x4 = ?.......Can't see any brackets in the OP can you?
The multiplication takes precedence if no brackets are present.

(no wonder our tax bills are such a mess............where did you used to work, JL?) Lol
In the absence of brackets mathematical operations must be performed according to a strict set of rules.
> My answer is correct, there are no brackets

Your answer is incorrect precisely because there are no brackets! If there were, the calculation would be done differently.

> How can the answer be 20 when the brackets could be anywhere in the sum?

Because there are no brackets anywhere in the sum.
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foa of Mike11111 - wasn't there a Monty Python sketch which went along the lines of what you've just posted re wolley mammoths? The four Yorkshire men I think it was called
because you have to follow that BODMAS order B00, so multiplications first
16 + 16 + 4 - 16
BIDMAS (BODMAS as it was once known) does not need supposition or the insertion of 'missing' brackets.

Mathematical order of operation was discussed here...

Has no-one else dropped this calculation into a spreadsheet? It's obviously 20.
Everyone, except for joe, agrees with you, Mark.
Nothing new there, then!
Im not saying you're wrong either, I just don't geddit- sorry, despite your brilliant replies.

I hated maths at school, and thanks to this question, I now remember why, lol.
What don't you get, BOO?

There is a system of rules which is used to work out the priority in which various mathematical operations are carried out. There's no more to it than that...
Mark is going to hate me for this, but the OP isn't a "sum" but a complex mathematical operation.
Hmmmm when I was little we called all maths 'sums'
A "complex mathematical operation", eh?
Precisely, Prudie! We are more enlightened in this day and age.
I still say it's 320

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