Car insurance in The AnswerBank: Business & Finance
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Car insurance

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twiglet4frog | 15:40 Sat 25th Jun 2005 | Business & Finance
3 Answers

anyone know if insurance companies for car insurance allow payment at a post office or bank? have been told by a friend that they are all credit/debit card or direct debit but i havent got the first two and have had nightmares with direct debit and would rather pay the full year up front in full with cash!

Any idea of companies that do this and how to go about it?

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If you go through an Insurance Broker who has a shop/office on the high street, most of them will allow payment for the whole year with cash.

When I took out insurance with the Co-op www.cis.co.uk

the agent came to my house to sort out the paperwork, & I could have paid any way I liked.

Good luck.

Some insurance company let you pay at the bank, like MORETHAN they send you a pay-in slip and they are good and cheap as well. Shop around I am sure other will let you pay at a bank.

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