Mum's got chronic RA she's been through all the treatments, she's been on 'retuximab' (not sure on spelling) for the last couple of years but she always becomes resistant after a couple of years, so she's just started something else. the retuxib has done a great job up until it stopped working she just went for an infusion every 6 weeks. For pain she takes paracetamol every 4 hours and dihyrdrocodine evry 4 hours alos oramorph whenever the paind is really bad. Mum had gold injections about 12 years ago but they only worked for a while, look up newer treatments on the internet and suggest something new to your nurse, mum's had a new shoulder but wouldn't recommend it she's not really had any benefit from it still only has limited movement, can't get it higher enough to brush her hair, her new hips and knees have been great though