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Scientology Advertising On Itv?

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LazyGun | 20:51 Wed 27th Feb 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
14 Answers
I know that Scientology is not actually officially considered a religion in the UK, nor does it have charitable status, although it did recently win VAT exemption status, which apparently resulted in the government having to return several million pounds.

It is in the minds of most people though at least considered a cult, and it does call itself The Church of Scientology. Do you think it acceptable for them to advertise?


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According to Wiki, the government places no restrictions upon the church’s activities, so I can’t see its adverts being stopped. Dangerous and misleading advert though. :o(
i read some of the thoughts of it's founder, and realised that he was off his head.
Great - a terrible advert ("...because the one thing that's true... is what's true for you..." - as if that's what the Scientology actually believe. Naughty old Xenu telling lies on the TV!) that will encourage more terrible adverts from other religious groups.

What next goodlife misunderstanding and failing to aknowlege the sources of quotes about evolution on the ad breaks during Emmerdale?
Didn't the Salvation Army have adverts covering the charitable work they do? While they were ostensibly an appeal for funds they also showed themselves in a good light.
Ban one, ban them all?
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It is not well received in France !
Have they failed the audition,then?
//I find it nauseating that these charlatans have the nerve to use the phrase 'free thinkers' when describing themselves. //

That's exactly why I say it's dangerous. Brainwashing does not encourage free thinking. I'm wondering if they're breaking trades description regulations. ;o)
There is a line in the middle of this daft advert that says "make up your own mind"

Well I have and I think Scientology is a lot of complete nonsense, that only under educated Americans would take as the truth.

If Scientology is the truth, then........... Captain Kirk for Pope !
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@Mikey Heh :)

@Sandy - No, I dont think ban one ban all - The government thinks that- religous organisations are not allowed to advertise on Terrestrial TV. Thats why I am quite surprised to hear you mention the Sally Army and TV advertising. I cannot personally recall ever seeing such a thing....

I do think, like others here, that Scientology is dangerous, and a cult, and I am surprised that they are allowed to advertise, given that the same decision about Scientology was arrived at by the Government as a result of 2 in-depth investigations.

None of the stories i have seen since about Scientology have persuaded me that they have changed; Indeed, they are dabbling in things like drug rehabilitation programmes in the States - Narcanon - which has itself come under renewed scrutiny in the US recently, following a spate of suicides and allegations of bullying treatment by those attending the clinics.

Scientology believe that all mental health problems are spiritual, and that any mental imbalance or incompetence is caused by a spiritual upset. This might explain some of the issues around the death of John Travoltas son Jet, a diagnosed autistic. Travolta himself is a well known member of Scientology, a Church that does not believe in a mental condition such as autism.
The Salvation Army do advertise on television - but it's an appeal for donations to support the terrific work they do to help the homeless. They're not recruiting, they're not preaching - and they're not trying to pull the wool over anyone's eyes.

Ewwww... icky and sinister
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@China - The sally army, or Scientology? ;)
Both actually! But mainly the latter :c) They have a store on tottenham court road and sometimes on a sunday morning I would see people in masks (disturbing!) on the other side of the road protesting against them.

I think the sally army do some very good work but my dad had some personal experience with them many years ago and it rather tarnished my opinion of them as an organisation. But in fairness, I reckon the same could be said of many organisations who essentially are trying to help, it's always going to be subjective.

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