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Phone Update

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shellac2 | 14:34 Mon 25th Mar 2013 | How it Works
4 Answers
Is there a thread that explains about smartphones, androids etc?


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no, but if you give the make and model of your phone with a particular query, someone will probably be able to help.

are you trying to decide on a phone?
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Yes mcfluff, i am thinking of getting a smartphone perhaps but wanted some background material on fones in general before i buy a new one

that might help. You need de decide what you want the phone to be able to do and go from there.

Do you know what you would like to be able to do with the smartphone? And how much you'd like to spend? If so you could try entering a question under technology:

Specifying what you think you want - there's plenty of people on here with hands on experience with most phones.

I would suggest that, whatever you go for, you go for a "decent" one. There are tons of cheap android phones on the market which won't perform smoothly.

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