Politics7 mins ago
Caption Competition October 20
34 Answers
Here you go folks thinking caps on - sorry its a long un'
Will pick a winner between 10-11pm tomorrow
http:// uk.imag es.sear ch.yaho o.com/i mages/v iew;_yl t=A0PDo Stb_mJS ZSsAiqp NBQx.;_ ylu=X3o DMTFyaz lhaXR1B HNlYwNz cgRzbGs DaW1nBG 9pZAM5Y jRmYmEy ZTY2ZDA 5MTA5Zj hiMjQ3O DFhNmEy ZDNmNAR ncG9zAz M4?back =http%3 A%2F%2F uk.imag es.sear ch.yaho o.com%2 Fsearch %2Fimag es%3Fp% 3Dspain %2Bline %2Bup%2 Bagains t%2Bgeo rgia%2B 2013%26 n%3D30% 26ei%3D utf-8%2 6y%3DSe arch%26 fr%3Dyf p-t-702 %26ri%3 D43%26t ab%3Dor ganic%2 6ri%3D3 8&w =653&am p;h=390 &im gurl=ww w.sefut bol.com %2Fsite s%2Fdef ault%2F files%2 Fu64%2F negredo _golpal ma.jpg& amp;rur l=http% 3A%2F%2 Fwww.se futbol. com%2Fe n%2Fspa ins-qua lificat ion-15- picture s&s ize=106 .3KB&am p;name= %3Cb%3E Spain%3 C%2Fb%3 E%26%23 39%3Bs+ qualifi cation+ in+15+p ictures +%7C+SE Futbol& amp;p=s pain+li ne+up+a gainst+ georgia +2013&a mp;oid= 9b4fba2 e66d091 09f8b24 781a6a2 d3f4&am p;fr2=& amp;fr= yfp-t-7 02& tt=%3Cb %3ESpai n%3C%2F b%3E%26 %2339%3 Bs+qual ificati on+in+1 5+pictu res+%7C +SEFutb ol& b=31&am p;ni=12 8&n o=38&am p;ts=&a mp;tab= organic &si gr=11r3 sfue4&a mp;sigb =14gfji m6c& ;sigi=1 1t2hac4 2&. crumb=A yJPDAD3 OK4& ;fr=yfp -t-702
Will pick a winner between 10-11pm tomorrow
Luckily, Álvaro Negredo's jet pack remains invisible to the crowd.
09:00 Sun 20th Oct 2013
http:// www.sef utbol.c om/site s/defau lt/file s/u64/n egredo_ golpalm a.jpg
This is what appears for me so assume its that one.
Caption: Iwin's new spot the balls competition go's ahead.
This is what appears for me so assume its that one.
Caption: Iwin's new spot the balls competition go's ahead.
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