Ok, we're all aware of the furore of this case and I'll be honest, I'm in both camps that yes his is a heinous crime and he deserves punishment, but also isn't the emphasis on rehabilitation these days? Can he really be stopped from resurrecting his career? I've no doubt that various employment experts and lawyers are mulling his case over as I type.
I say all this in the knowledge that he also has an appeal pending which I believe is imminent. He's been pilloried for not apologisiong to his victim but that may come about if he loses his appeal. If he wins, he will be seen to be vindicated. He obviously deems himself innocent.
Wouldn't it be better for all concerned to await the outcome of the appeal before prejudicing any case he may have for returning to football or finding an alternative job/employment as the case may be?
I've no doubt that if he were to be subsequently cleared and his conviction quashed the maelstrom from women's groups etc would be even greater.
It really is a can of worms and I for one am glad I wouldn't have to make a judgement in it.