Super Glue!!! in The AnswerBank: DIY
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Super Glue!!!

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cupotee2 | 22:14 Sat 20th Dec 2014 | DIY
6 Answers
My other half just loves a tube of glue...lately its been super glue he has used both times, without my knowledge and literally buggered up both jobs.

First time he spilt a little on the floor of the shower tray....never to be removed even after I contacted the manufacturer for advice.

The doors of the shower close firmly with magnetic strips. One strip seemed to have come away at the bottom. Only noticeable when the door is being opened. It has gradually come away further and further with each pull to open it.

Once again, he who is in bad books for using glue, used it on the inside of the magnetic strip but no way was it going to stick and some has gotten onto the shower glass door....

Rock hard as Super Glue sets....does anyone have an idea how to remove this horrid stuff or do I stop his pocket money til he pays for a new shower...[joke, but...]

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Hope this helps. :-)

Nail polish remover!

BTW, glue seems to be causing quite a few problems for ABers lately:
Don't stop his pocket money just yet, cupotee.
Try using nail polish remover on it.
Give him extra pocket money then when he is in the pub you can do all the DIY.

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Super Glue!!!

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