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Nhs Interviews

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Greedyfly | 16:49 Thu 08th Oct 2015 | How it Works
7 Answers

I work for the NHS and I have been offered an interview for another company which is next week, does anyone know what the policy is for the NHS and external interviews? Can I ask to attend the interview (doesn't matter if it's paid or unpaid) and do they have to allow me the time?




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I think they do allow time to attend an interview.
There is no national policy. They could refuse you if its not a convenient time, the same as requesting any other kind of leave and can give it to you as leave, toil or (if they really want rid lol) just let you go to the interview and pay you. I believe that different rules apply if they are trying to redeploy you due to staff cuts.
Why let them know that you want to leave - why not just ask for a days annual leave ( might work against you if you have to stay - i.e. you don't get the other job )

You never know what considerations are taken into account , if say, there were to be redundancies in the future
I think any company have to let you have time off for interviews, but it will probably be unpaid hope this helps.
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Thanks guys. They know I want to leave and I have no annual leave left to take hence my question. The interview is very short notice which I was not expecting.
No they don't fraser, only if its convenient, the same as any other leave.
practically, if they know you want to leave then unless they really need you to be there, they'd do better to say yes...but they don't HAVE to.

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