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Smart Meters

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BJS | 16:42 Thu 20th Oct 2016 | How it Works
28 Answers
Where are Sart MEters fitted in the system. Are the original meters retained or disposed with. Thanks for any answers. It,s just I am wondering wherher to have them fitted or not.


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Look at this link, I presume it is general advice.

There's a video if you click the arrow too.
We have an electric smart meter, it is a little screen type device, that is plugged into a wall socket. It tells you how much you are spending a day, and if you use anything that costs a lot, like the shower, it glows red, anything else glows green. We like it. You also, don't ever need the electric man to come round to read your meter.
The smart meter is plugged into the electricity supply....does anyone know how much electricity it uses please?

And do you switch it off overnight or is it left permanently switched on?
The old electric meter was taken out, and a new one installed.
The smart meter is left permanently ON, it uses very little electricity.
Thank you TW. Are we talking a few pence per day? Or per hour? Any idea please?
Left permanently on, we are talking pennies, per year.
We have only had it fitted recently, but we feel it is going to be of benefit.
Wow, thank you, I'll see about getting one.
The link did work, thank you. Do you have to input any figures/rates per hour to start it recording?
I am not sure what you mean. When it was installed, the meter starting showing what we were using straight away, per day. The electric company give you a booklet to read to understand it. It shows you in so much detail what you normally use, how much you have used so far, how much you have used today, etc etc. All I can say, is that we think it is really good and will help us to keep the electric bills down. If anyone is in the shower, and it is showing RED, for too long, we are shouting upstairs, to GET OUT THE SHOWER, you are costing us a fortune! Hope this answer helps you. We will definitely benefit from having it installed.
YOU don't have to input anything. The meter does it all for you.
That isn't the actual meter, the meters are installed in the place the old ones were. I had mine done last week, and one of these monitor type things was given to me when it was all installed. I can switch it off any time, I don't have to use it. It just lets me know what each appliance is costing when it's on. For instance, a kettle costs 27/28p and hour to run, but of course, it's only on for a very short while. I was told the monitor costs 80p a year to run (I think).
Thank you.

I wondered if you have to input the price per kilowatt per hour, that sort of thing. I look at my bill and can't make head nor tail of what I'm being charged, to be honest.
I haven't had to do anything. It was given to me already programmed. Who are you with? I'm with Eon and my bill is quite easy to follow.
I'm with Sainsbury's Energy.
Most sensible people switch energy suppliers to reduce their costs which has an implication for smart meters. I had them fitted by e.on for both gas and electricity when they were first rolled and a year ago I switched to first:utility expecting them to be able to access the smart meters - they cannot and I have to post my meter readings on their website. I understand that the new meters are supposed to readable by all the energy companies but the roll out keeps being put back. So, dont have smart meter fitted unless it's the new type and check which providers will be able to read it remotely.BTW my display still shows the meter readings so nI dont have to go outside with pencil and paper.
When we were with Scottish Gas for electric they changed our meter to a smart meter.

It uses the mobile phone network to send readings back to Scottish Gas. No more meter readers!

It also came with a wireless unit that showed your usage - we didn't bother with it as its touch screen was worse than pathetic!

When we switched supplier the meter just works as a normal meter.
Whatever that picture is, it doesn't look like a "smart meter". A "smart meter" replaces the normal one and allows the company to control and read the supply. (And most likely creates an opportunity for malicious individuals to do much the same.) It gives no long term benefit for the consumer, a short term fascination perhaps which must be paid for by higher prices and earlier price rises. It would be sited on the wall somewhere, not on the desktop.
The one shown looks like one of those you plug things into to check what power that device is using.

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