A VPN would only be of use if the end server in the chain was located in the Czech Republic. (I'm assuming that's where you want your web traffic to appear to be from, based upon your previous posts).
What you need is an anonymous proxy server based in the Czech Republic. The free ones tend to come and go very quickly (often because they're actually servers where someone 'has left the back door open' unintentionally and they only stay available until someone 'closes the door'). They can also be incredibly slow.
However I've just found one which is currently working and incredibly fast as well. The following instructions are for FIREFOX. (If you've not got Firefox you might need to install it. Otherwise you'll need to find the same settings in your own choice of browser):
Click the three lines (top righthand corner)
Click Options
Click Advanced
Click Network
Click Settings
Click next to Manual Proxy Configuration
Enter this in the
HTTP Proxy field:
Change the Port to 3128
Put a tick next to Use This Proxy Server For All Protocols
Click OK
You should then be routing all of your web traffic via an anonymous proxy server in Prague. To check, go to
If you see the country you're actually in shown, you've either not set things up correctly or the proxy is no longer 'anonymous'.
If the page fails to load, you've either entered incorrect numbers of the proxy server is no longer working
If the page shows that your ISP is in Prague (as it should), you've cracked it!
(PS: To stop using the proxy server, follow the initial instructions above and then select 'No Proxy')