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cassa333 | 08:03 Tue 07th Nov 2017 | Religion & Spirituality
12 Answers
Just watched LOuise Theroux S Scientology film and wondered why it isn't discussed as much on here as other 'religions'.

Personally I think all religions are based on carp but as it is still a cult here don't get it.

It was founded by a failed Sci Fi writer who was a bit strapped for cash who went on and started Scientology as a means of making money. It just snowballed on there.

I also believe that although started for nefarious reasons it has taken on a life of its own and the vast majority of its followers actually believe the carp it spouts. Much like 'respected' religions I suppose.



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they are completely bonkers
You are allowed to say 'crap' on here.

Yes a nutty pseudo religion founded by a nutter. It functions by brainwashing.
It's discussed less often because there is no regular attempt here to support and convert folk to their way of thinking. That stated, the subject comes up at a reasonable frequency.
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I suppose this is how accepted religion gets started though.

Someone comes up with a good wheeze and it snowballs from there. The new devotees believe and eventually the ones in the know die off and you're left with a mainstream religion practiced all over the world.
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Logic (on an illogical topic) says that Scientology theory is no more outlandish than any other religious theory.
I have brought up the subject of the truly daft, so-called religion of Scientology many times in the past.

To repeat what I have said on the other current thread, Scientology is just another recently invented cult, along with lots of others, all invented in America, by Americans.

The reason for this is quite clear to me....there is a much better chance of getting a weirdo cult up and running on the other side of the Atlantic, as there is a ready-made supply of the already credulous and under-educated, just waiting to lap them up.
Scientology is not a religion in the sense I know the word. It is a secret sect that relies on fear and ignorance to snare it's victims and then extract huge sums of money from them. You can't be a Scientologist unless you are also very wealthy and prepared to hand over a large % of you cash to them with our questioning what it will be used for.
You have to pay $5000 cash just to take the course that allows you to become a full member , an Operating Theatan . Then if you pass there are more fees to progress up the ladder to become a leader.
It must be the only religion that only allows you to buy salvation and eternal life in return for huge amounts of cash!
There are no good but poor people in the Scientology Heaven only multi millionaires!
Eddie...."It must be the only religion that only allows you to buy salvation and eternal life in return for huge amounts of cash! "

Yes, you are right now but the Catholic Church used to work in that way, by selling "indulgences".....which is why Martin Luther made his famous stand in the 1500's.

Perhaps when discussing these weirdo cults, it might be profitable to debate the reason why so many millions continue to fall for what are, in effect, confidence tricks.
They also believe in aliens, Thetans, so have similar views to those held by some around here.
Theland, they have similar views to who around here?
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