Oh, Curvylady......you've nudged the bee in my bonnet......it breaks my heart every day to see the litter as I'm driving through the countryside....and our towns are no better.
I can get off the ferry in Dublin and drive across to the west coast of Ireland and if I see six bits of litter it's a bad day.
The plastic bag levy has been fantastic in Ireland....it completely changed people's thinking and everyone now has canvas bags for shopping.....
If the litter I see here is anything to go by we're way behind on this....trees are still displaying witches tattered undies....
We have a great tradition of Tidy Towns competitions...they're taken very seriously and everyone takes responsibility for where they live.
In the school in my little town there are no litter bins.....pupils take home their own rubbish at the end of the day to be put into the correct bins.....and they do.
I think Kenya has a complete ban on plastic bags...wouldn't that be good.... :-)
Good luck with your efforts and look at the Keep Britain Tidy organisation for tips...x