Opt for a battery-powered slide-viewer.
Scanning slides to computer files can be quite a tricky task as it's easy to end up with a pronounced colour cast. I've got three separate scanners capable of the job and, irrespective of which one I use, there's usually quite a bit of fiddling around in Photoshop (or similar) required to end up with a decent-quality image.
If you're geting it done commercially it can work out quite expensive because of the time that's needed to fiddle around with each picture in order to obtain the best result. However some firms can get reasonable images simply through the use of automated processes (reducing the cost) but they're unlikely to be as good as what a top-class photo lab can manage.
Pixave has a good reputation for quality though and might be worth considering if you're not in a hurry. (Orders are currently taking around two months for them to complete):