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Smelling Of Smoke

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DarceyK123 | 18:28 Sun 29th Apr 2018 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
After reading though Nailits latest post about smells, it made me think.
Do smokers realise they smell so bad?

just one example is I have a very dear friend who is quite well off (good for her she works hard) but even though she wears the latest designer clothes, expensive perfumes ect ect all I can smell when she hugs me is the cigarette smoke.

I feel is it worth spending all that money to just spoil it with smoke smell?

My mum is another example, I remember when I was young and even now, although I really wanted her cuddles I always had to wrinkle my nose up when hugging her which is such a shame.



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I'm constantly trying to give up smoking. Recently started again. And yes, I know that I must smell awful. However, my clothes are constantly in the wash and if I smoke in my flat, its always through the kitchen window.
But I agree, smokers stink. I hate the habit.
No they don't. I can always smell a smoker.
Yes they do.
I really don't think they are aware how intense the smell is mamya.
Smokers can smell it on other smokers.
As a smoker ive already said that smokers stink.
I've lent books out to someone who smoked. I had to spray them and leave them in the fresh air.
We heard Nailit.
Some may not admit it but we know.
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I'm sure most realise but not to the greater extent. Why would my friend spend £60 on perfume if she knew she smelt that bad, it doesn't cover it up.

Having said that, a chap where I work goes to the pub every lunch, comes back with a strong aftershave on and thinks we can't smell the alcohol.'s mints he needs.
Ok , I give in - we have no idea whatsoever.

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Ummmm - yes he does! Ha ha
depends where you put the perfume......
I don't think they do realise how strongly they smell. I gave up smoking in 1979, so I may be extra-sensitive, but anyone smoking in the street about 20 yds. away sets my nose wrinkling and can set off an asthma attack. I now find being near a smoker very unpleasant, even when s/he is not actively smoking.
Funny recently a colleague found out I smoked - said they didn't know as they had never smelt it on me!
They do smell terribly - when I go to visit friend in fold - as I walk down the corridor I can smell her smoke. Nobody smokes on that corridor.

Also friend tries her best to smoke out of her window in her flat but it doesn't work.

But it is so hard for smokers to give up - I actually allow my friends - just two who smoke - to smoke in my house.
There's a way to exact revenge upon the stink smokers leave behind . . . however this too can leave 'tobacco' stains.
I used to smoke, I have given up for ten years or more. I just woke up one morning, and could hardly breathe, so I stopped then. However, I agree with everyone. I have been on the bus when a smoker gets on. The smell is awful, and I hate to think that I used to smell like that.
I know when my niece has had a ciggie and when my late brother smoked, I grew up in a house of 11 smokers, my niece and brother were what we called dirty smokers, I don't know is it the way they held the ciggie or what but they walked back into the house smelling of ashtrays

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