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Awful Wedding Photos, Advice Needed

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sbill | 03:51 Fri 05th Oct 2018 | Law
7 Answers
we got married 5 weeks ago with the photographer arranged through the registry office as its a package they offer. You don't get the photographers details as you pay them. the photos were meant to be delivered while we were on honeymoon, got back they hadnt arrived, a week later got them to just have half on the usb, after a few days of phone calls we eventually got them all.
we were told minimum 40 photos, granted there are 120. several are the same photo cropped.
there are lots with peoples eyes closed, theres no order as in tall people at the back short people at the front, although indoors and would need a flash the shadows are like the flash was too bright, so with the pale bridesmaids in ivory dresses you cant tell where they end and the dress starts, i understand you cant help the weather but the flash being so bright in broad daylight the rain can be seen mid air between us and the cameraman and drops on the lense, some photos are out of focus, the photographer lined us up to where we now realise was a slanted road so we all look like we are leaning, he missed the first kiss and our only aisle photo neither of us are looking at the camera but our guests have. theres honestly only 15 photos i feel are printable for an album. i have had a meeting with the registrar and they have offered a 50% refund which i have refused, they have argued theres more than 40 photos and they cant help the weather.
what are we entitled to or where do we stand with our rights in wanted a full refund due to not only the bad quality of the photos but the upset its caused with chasing after them, any advice would be appreciated. thank you stacey


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We had looked at photographs the registery office show you as examples and they weren't like how mine are. They have said they've used the particular photographer for many years and he us fully qualified with his own business
Contact your trading standards office for advice via council switchboard they will advise..must have come across this before
You asked exactly the same question yesterday in "Shopping"
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Sorry I'm new to answer bank and didn't know how to edit the category
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Awful Wedding Photos, Advice Needed

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