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Which Amp Fuse ,,confused !!

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kloofnek | 23:12 Mon 18th Feb 2019 | How it Works
35 Answers
I have just bought a 99l chest freezer to put on my garage.I will have to use an extension lead to it from the mains plug,On looking at them,most have 10am fuse(which I have never heard of before),now I assumed the freezer plug itself will have a 13amp fuse (cannot look as it has not been delivered yet)but reading further about the subject find that freezers can have a 3amp fuse ???
I am confused..if the freezer has a 13amp,surely the extension lead must have same.
Can someone please recommend one to me..I have looked on the Wilko website and found several but cannot work out which to buy,
Thank you



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The bottom line is; so long as the fuse in the extension lead is HIGHER than the SUM of the fuses in any appliances plugged into it, you are safe. Any 3-way adapter you buy will have its own fuse (probably 13 amp) and the same rules apply. If you have two sockets in the garage it would be a good idea to plug the new freezer into one (via the extension lead) and the adapter...
07:40 Tue 19th Feb 2019
13 amp fuse will protect the cable and allow for surge when the motor kicks in.
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So best with a traing socket with a 13 amp fuse ,yes but if the freezer has a lower fuse,does this matter ?

If power surges more than 13amp then extension will blow first.

Say freezer has 3amp then if more than 3amp but less than 13amp, then freezer fuse will blow.
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So what do I do exactly,use the 10amp fuse extension lead,can this be explained simple to me please,
Why do you assume that the freezer plug will have a 13amp fuse?
Gone are the days when all appliances came with a removable plug fitted with a 13amp fuse. They usually come with a non-removable plug fitted with the correct fuse, usually easily seen or written on the top of the plug.
In any case I think you are misunderstanding the reason for a fuse. If your extension lead has a 10amp fuse and you use an appliance that requires a 13amp fuse, the extension will blow the fuse when you turn the appliance on, as it will only allow 10amps through.

I hope that has helped.

Match the extension lead with whatever is in the Freezer Plug.
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Never had this trouble before,I already have a drawer freezer in garage which I just plugged into the mains socket,no faffing about fuses etc,
I assume it is a 13 amp,which I associate with bigger appliances.had it here years and no problem is this trailing socket business
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So Baldric,as I have never seen or bought a 10 am fuse,only a pack with 3,5 and 13,so the extension is say 10,and the freezer 5,is that ok,but if not ??.

What Baldric says is okay, providing you are not going to plug anything else into it, say your fridge or something, then the extension lead becomes useless as it will keep blowing the fuse. Which is why extensions come with a higher fuse rating.
If you can't buy an extension lead that matches the freezer, then buy the next available size up.
If you get a lower one, then a surge might blow it - but you'll still be protected, cos a surge of anything over the recommended amount will blow the fuse in the freezer plug.
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So ok to use 10amp fuse extension for JUST the freezer,yes,another questionmif I put a plug adapter in the mains socket to out the extension lead and the drawer freezer in,will that be ok.ther are two mains sockets but the other has the light plug in it,
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Sorry bout mistakes,getting tired,ready for sleep
When using an extension lead - if the fuse in it is lower than the device plugged in to it, you run the risk of blowing the fuse in the extension lead.
If the fuse is higher than the device, then it won't matter, as the fuse in the plug of the device itself will protect it from any surges.
If you have a triple adaptor you can plug the freezer, extension lead and the lamp into it and have a spare socket for anything else you want to plug in.
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Thank you Giz that sounds a bit clearer,so if the freezer plug is a 3 or 5 amp, the extension can be 10 ,yes
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Also about plug adapter ,can I put one in the mains socket,to have the drawer freezer in and the extension to the chest freezer?
Yes - just use a higher fuse for your extension lead.
The device will still be protected by the fuse in the plug of the device.
If you use a lower fuse in the extension lead, you 'll possibly blow the fuse in the lead.
Yes, that's right
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Thank you ,Blue,that would b good,but the chest freezer is not next to the other freezer,unfortunately, hence the need for the extension
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You say higher..a 13amp.?Giz

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Which Amp Fuse ,,confused !!

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