Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in The AnswerBank: News
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Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

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tiggerblue10 | 15:27 Wed 14th Aug 2019 | News
4 Answers
It appears that Emiliano Sala and David Ibbotson were exposed to high levels of carbon monoxide poisoning in the cockpit before crashing.

Could this be the reason why someone was arrested in connection with the crash a couple of months ago? The gas produced is normally conveyed away but there seems to have been a leak in the ventilation system.

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So sad. I hope this may lead to a little closure for the families. A tragic accident it seems.
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Indeed, although David Ibbotson's body hasn't been recovered and it's very likely that it never will. Must be awful for his family not being able to lay him to rest.
Very tragic indeed.
Interesting. I knew a pilot who crashed and died at an airshow. I heard suggestions of carbon monoxide poisoning at the time but nothing was proved. He was ex Red Arrows and very experienced. It's a shame when a crash could have been preventable

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