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Sky Satellite Dish

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3327 | 19:24 Mon 09th Sep 2002 | How it Works
2 Answers
How do I get it aligned, can I do it myself


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Assuming you have got it all installed OK, you can 'point' it yourself. If you live near other houses with dishes already on, point it it the same direction as them ( should be a bit east of south). See if you have got a picture. If so job done. Otherwise keep moving the dish about in the general direction until a picture appears and tighten up all the bolts. You don't have to be spot on as the dish is parabolic, and thus it will allow you a fair margin of directional error. I've lined one up a couple of times with no bother.
Also select "services" and press "4" then "6" and keep an eye on the signal strength / quality bar as you're moving the dish around

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