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Been Out In The Village Tonight

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Bobbisox1 | 20:40 Tue 10th Dec 2019 | ChatterBank
84 Answers
The weather is wild with driving rain and gale force winds, freezing cold, a lot of storm damage and lorries have overturned as well,, Winter bites with a vengeance


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It was like that all day here in the West Country. Thank goodness it's not snow.
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Looks like the Midlands has sleet Pasta , brrrrr
Well, it's always milder down this way. We've got palm trees ya know...;)
" Been out in the village tonight " Did you meet TTT ? .
So far, so good, weatherwise. Wind is dying down, TV has ceased to stall because of cloud cover and at the moment it is not raining -Hallelujah! Forecast is for the white stuff..... shiver....
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No, Gulliver but I might have say another two village idiots on the prowl :0)
My front door was whistling at me today :-) Frit the life out of me. It really sounded like someone was in the house. It's a double glazed door so the wind must have been strong.

I did close the door on Tesco man this morning. Opened it when I seen him pull up and shut it when I got a blast of cold wind. I opened it when he brought the box.
Can you not talk in code because it's pretty bloody rude!
Could this be on the wrong thread, Ummm?
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Are you talking to me perchance ummmm ?
Gulliver inferred the ‘ village idiot in did I see TTT there I answered with !No but I may have saw two others, do I have to spell that out?

the rain has been limbo-dancing at times. younger alba had to get taxi to work this morning, no trains.
ice forecast for tonight.
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It’s a truly filthy night Albs, just thawing out now
when the weather's bad here Bobbi, it's the back of our house which gets the brunt.
Just over the wall, which for all intents and purposes is the bottom of our back garden is the cemy wall. There had been a large tree there until council came and got rid a few months ago. It's been a bit of a concern for a few years :-)

Definitely a night for a glass of something :-) x
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We ( my friend and me ) battled the elements to go to our local, as you do :0)
Just had coke till I’ve come in, now enjoying a glass of white Zinfandel
Currently drinking said glass - and glad I'm inside. Spare a thought (and perhaps a few pence) for those who are not so lucky....
What's the UK weather forecast for election day ?.
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Jourdain ,we have a charity called Making Winer Warmer here for our street people, you can buy a meal for £5 for Chrismas Day where the volunteers open a local hall, I asked my friends who sent me ‘special ‘ cards,not to and I’d buy a meal for each of those cards ( I have them from last year), I’ve done this and hope I’ve helped make the 25th a little more bearable for some people
The sun will shine on the blues, all other hues are in for a severe soaking...
Shoota, yep :-)

Bobbi, making winer warmer is sacrilege :-)))

There's a caff/bistro in the town which is opening on xmas day to feed the homeless, all they need to do is turn up. I hope they know about it.

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