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Faulty Microwave Light

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chrissa1 | 19:39 Tue 14th Apr 2020 | How it Works
3 Answers

The light in my microwave started flickering on and off a couple of nights ago. Then it went out completely. I’ve had it for about 18 months

The next day it had come back on, but when I was warming up a Spag Bol sauce that evening, it did the same thing.

Could it be that the steam is somehow affecting it and does anyone know how to change the light?

It isn’t a very expensive machine - £50 from Morrison’s. Thanks.


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There's usually a way to get at the bulb, sometimes you have to remove a plate on the outside. The bulbs often have an Edison Screw fitting, rather than the more common bayonet mount used in the UK, so it might just have come loose and just need tightening up.
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Ok. Thanks, bhg. I’ll unplug it and have a look tomorrow. Thanks.
Sometimes you have an access panel and others you unscrew around it and lift the entire case away. It is a small Edison Screw fitting which will be obvious. As long as you do not touch any other parts you are fine to change the bulb yourself.

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Faulty Microwave Light

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