Quizzes & Puzzles9 mins ago
Black And White Films In Colour
5 Answers
When you see these old black and white films now in colour how do they do that? Is it actually the original colour brought to life or is it superimposed somehow?
Interesting article about how Peter Jackson did it for They Shall Not Grow Old: https:// www. radiotimes. com/ news/ tv/ 2018- 11- 11/ they- shall- not- grow- old- peter- jackson- world- war- one- movie- how- was- it- made/
11:23 Sat 10th Oct 2020
Interesting article about how Peter Jackson did it for They Shall Not Grow Old:
https:/ /www.ra diotime s.com/n ews/tv/ 2018-11 -11/the y-shall -not-gr ow-old- peter-j ackson- world-w ar-one- movie-h ow-was- it-made /
well ther eis this
https:/ /en.wik ipedia. org/wik i/Film_ coloriz ation#: ~:text= With%20 compute r%20tec hnology %2C%20s tudios% 20were, in%2019 90).
the tech has got better
get a computer and smooth out the black and white jerky bits
and by averaging get it up to industry standard 24 frames /s.
I cant think how you get from a black and white shadow face to a colour one. And if it looks like Trump you say well the Tommy is meant to look like that
Khaki - you can do an outline and the computer will follow it thro successive frames. The problem was getting the colour wrong in the first place
the tech has got better
get a computer and smooth out the black and white jerky bits
and by averaging get it up to industry standard 24 frames /s.
I cant think how you get from a black and white shadow face to a colour one. And if it looks like Trump you say well the Tommy is meant to look like that
Khaki - you can do an outline and the computer will follow it thro successive frames. The problem was getting the colour wrong in the first place