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Level 4 Query

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rsvp | 15:34 Sun 10th Jan 2021 | How it Works
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Afternoon all and hope you are keeping safe and well. I have googled, searched, asked and been on government websites but am unable to get a definite answer as to what 'remain in your local area when exercising' means - there doesn't seem to be a definite mileage limit if indeed I am allowed to drive to walk or must I only do it by leaving from home on foot. Very grateful for any help, thank you


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Hi rsvp. x
I've been wondering if our dog walker here is still allowed to drive a couple of miles onto the South Downs to give 4-5 assorted mutts a run? She is still doing it and saving 4-5 people being out so I would have thought that would be OK.
//Most of the UK are in Tier 4, which I assume is what the poster meant.//

The Tier system only applied to England (the other parts called it something else, I believe). It has now been abandoned and all of England is subject to the same restrictions (which are near enough the same as T4).

/// //The National Police Chief's Council said there was no restriction on the distance travelled for exercise.//
That is hardly in keeping with sticking to your 'local area' ///

No it isn't, Danny. But the NPCC is clarifying what the legislation does and does not provide. The Derbyshire police were trying to impose something which it does not provide. They were guided (or rather "misguided") in that respect by the government guidance which conflicts with the law. It is unsurprising that people are confused. I'm beginning to think that it is deliberate. But the police should know better.
//Follow the simple rules they’ve been using:
Exercise should start and finish at home because you don’t need to drive anywhere to take exercise.//

1. What you have quoted is not part of the "rules".

2. You don't know what people need to do in order to exercise (hence the latitude in the real rules).

// Follow the simple rules they’ve been using:
Exercise should start and finish at home because you don’t need to drive anywhere to take exercise. //

The only problem with that is it is not a rule they have been using, it is something you have just made up.
NJ, England is in Tier 4. The latest Regs state they "amend the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (All Tiers) (England) Regulations 2020 to strengthen the Tier 4 restrictions, and to apply those restrictions to every area in England."
The only problem with that is it is not a rule they have been using, it is something you have just made up.

Wrong as usual Sunk
From the government website:
There are no legal limits on the kind of exercise that is permitted. However, in practice, this will be constrained by other alert level 4 restrictions requiring exercise to start and finish at home as well as the closure of leisure centres, gyms and swimming pools.

Glad to see you STILL have to quibble though when people are dying in droves. Have you watched any of the news programmes today, if not you ought to.
I have a friend who is in his 80s and walks everyday. He drives to the canal which is about a mile away, 5 minutes drive. He does this because he cannot climb up hills, and he lives halfway up a hill. If he walked into town he would not be able to climb back up the hill home again.
Well it does seem ok for footballers to travel miles for their exercise/ training, and ok for them to all travel together for their next match, and hug each other should they kick the ball in the net.
Tier 4 not Level 4. That is why NJ was questioning where the OP lived.
NJ wrote, "The Tier system only applied to England (the other parts called it something else, I believe). It has now been abandoned and all of England is subject to the same restrictions (which are near enough the same as T4)."

It's not been abandoned.
STICKYBOTTLE, you're quoting Welsh guidance which is also supported by Welsh Regulations.

Start and finish from home does not prohibit you driving somewhere, as long as you drive back again the same day. It means you cannot transverse the country, stay overnight in a hotel and go home the next day.

I am guessing you don’t take any exercise other than shopping because you seem to understand or know very little.
It has in practice been abandoned - all of England is in national lockdown not 'Tier 4'.
In case you are not aware of what is going on sunk.

Tier 4 not Level 4. That is why NJ was questioning where the OP lived.
Why should it matter where you live? Just stay inside and do not travel unless absolutely necessary. Even tougher restrictions are on the way and it’s all because some people have to question everything and just HAVE to challenge authority.
As for the take of the canal why can’t he just walk around the garden because if he is 80 I doubt he is getting ready to join the space programme and people of that age are encouraged to stay indoors anyway as they are the most at risk so I will take your story with a handful of salt.
Transverse? Like a colon?
Or do you mean traverse lol
Surely all exercise starts and ends at home, unless you walk/run/drive/cycle/scoot to somewhere else and stay there.
We have had clarification that the two women in Derbyshire were not breaking the law, and therefore should not have been fined.

So it is disappointing that the Health Secretary today welcomed their fining. Disappointing but not surprising based on his other incomprehensible assertions during the last 10 months.

People are not questioning authority.
They have read the rules, and the rules say they can exercise.
So they do not expect to be wrongly fined for exercising.

If the Home Secretary wants to ban exercise, then she should do it. She should not support the Government’s current guidance, but then support people getting fined for doing nothing wrong.
I am guessing you don’t take any exercise other than shopping because you seem to understand or know very little

Lol are you going to tell us now that you are a triathlete with another one of your tales?
//NJ, England is in Tier 4. The latest Regs state they "amend the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (All Tiers) (England) Regulations 2020 to strengthen the Tier 4 restrictions, and to apply those restrictions to every area in England."//

Yes, Corby, agreed. What I was trying to explain was that nowhere is in any Tier other than 4 but I didn’t do so very well. Thanks for the clarification.

//Just stay inside and do not travel unless absolutely necessary.//

You keep on saying this. But this is not about what you should and shouldn’t do; it’s about what you must and mustn’t do. Most people are doing what they ought to do but some people want to know what they can do. Like Sunk’s old mate (who may not have a garden to exercise in, by the way, as I said, none of us knows). It’s not about challenging authority. This conflict between legislation and guidance is causing all sorts of problems (as is evident just on here) and the likes of Sunk’s mate should not have to paw over 32 pages of legislation just to find out whether he can go out or not. The guidance should match the legislation, not “gold plate” it. Your dismissal of his concerns considerably weakens your argument. Yuor response would seem to be "Go Indoors. Stay Indoors. You're too old to be worry about exercising anyway."

You can say it as much as you like but many people are not prepared to “just stay inside” and if harsher restrictions are imposed those not complying with the current ones will not comply with the newer ones.

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