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Face Masks In The Office?

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Smowball | 17:47 Mon 29th Nov 2021 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Mr Smow does consulting work 3 days a week for a major retailer in one of their Central London offices. It’s a 6 month contract and he goes in and works with the same people every day in an enclosed office. Today they have all been told that they will now have to wear face masks INSIDE the office all day, every day, even though they have never ever done this during the entire lockdown/pandemic up to date. Is this typical? I mean are most offices doing this now, or is it entirely down to the individual company?


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A relative has been working from home since the first lockdown but had to go into the office for a training day. She had to wear a mask all day even though it was after the requirement had been dropped.
I'd be happy for him to do that, Smow, especially as you've not been well.
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Yes I agree, was just surprised seeing as they never ever did it once during all current lockdowns
Could be that the recent research has shown the benefit of wearing a mask?
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You’re probably right.
It’s certainly the rule for my office and MrRH office
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Ahh ok RH x
In my office you have to wear a mask while moving about the building. Once you are sat at your desk you can remove it
did many of the staff there contract Covid during lockdown? If even just one or two did, the company might feel nervous abotu it.
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my brother works in an office and as far as i know they had been doing this, wearing face masks, though maybe when the lockdown stopped they might have stopped wearing them, i just don't know. But if it's mandatory then what can you do but comply. It does seem a bit much, especially when they hadn't that rule before.
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They give good emphasise to nice eyes.
she would look good in anything admittedly Hoppy...
Been wearing one at work for over a year when working inside the store but take it off when outside and sometimes when in the back if noones around . Well not the same one I get through several a day.
hopefully by spring it will no longer be needed as it affects my vision on stairs and my hearing and customer's can't allways hear me
they'd emphasise your Bette Davis eyes, Hopkirk
I think it depends on the company. If you have all employees vaccinated and no one has symptoms of the disease, then masks are not needed. The main thing is that employees in the office feel comfortable. This can help and install the best software, as well as the best office equipment.

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