Same old story! How in this age of electronic tagging, tracking numbers , safegaurds of how to vet employees etc etc etc, can a postal package with the correct POST CODE go "MISSING"?
Where on earth do all these "missing" items end up. Beyond a joke!
Yes, it's poor organisation and management. There's no point in 'first class' stamps anymore, I found out, when all my letters took nearly a week to arrive at their respective destinations. Royal Mail is going (or perhaps) gone down the pan.
A couple of weeks ago I was expecting a delivery. I was able to watch the delivery on the courier's website as it closed in on our house and I saw a plain white van pass our house ; I guessed it was the courier. We live on a corner with our front door on one street and our garage door on the other; the garage being on our address street. I waited for the courier to come to our door but no-one did. Suddenly the website said our package had been delivered; I went round to next door, whose front door is next to our garage, and found the package on his doorstep. He was not in so the courier had left the package on his doorstep. It's just as well I found it before Burglar Bill came on his rounds.
bhg481 similar thing happened to me a little while ago.
The courier misread my address number and left it 3 doors down.
The lady of the house wasn't in, but he still left it there.
I posted my cards on Monday last week, but the people I've spoken to have still not received their cards from me.
Still haven't had my Private Eye - should have been delivered last Wednesday 14th. Probably sitting in a massive pile at Mount Pleasant sorting office, being chewed by foxes.
Does anybody know which Satnav Amazon carriers use? most of my deliveries from them end up with a neighbour 3 houses down from me. When I entered my address in my Garmin satnav I received the message " you have reached your destination" when I passed my neighbour- 3 houses down.
Last December I posted two packages to Germany using Royal Mails standard delivery. Paid about £10 in total for the combined postage.
They never arrived !! Royal Mail refused to compensate me because I couldn't prove that I posted them.
Sent this years Christmas package to Germany, and paid the extra postage to have it tracked (guess what) !! The only tracking info I get tells me I handed it over the counter in the Post Office on 5th December !! Looking like this is the third lost package in 12 months. Sadly I don't have a receipt for the contents, which comes to roughly what I lost last year £30