Electric Water Heater Vs Immersion in The AnswerBank: How it Works
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Electric Water Heater Vs Immersion

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hurkleho | 19:47 Mon 02nd Jan 2023 | How it Works
8 Answers
Hi, I was wondering if anyone can tell me the most efficient way to heat water in my flat. It has economy 7 water heating & Willis heater and a large direct hot water tank at the moment, a complete waste of money as I have no bath and an electric shower. I am hoping to get a grant to replace this outdated system soon. Would a Redring EW10 under sink be cheaper to run than getting a smaller tank and still using the immersion? Thanks in advance


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With an electric shower and an undersink Redring, you don't need an immersion at all.

I can't see the point of those Willis heaters at all, especially next to a conventional direct immersion.

BUT............ you will still need something for the bathroom sink.
Maybe an oversink handwash unit.
Complicated, innit?
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Thanks, The Builder. I've looked into getting a 15 litre electric water heater put into the hot press and that would serve both the kitchen and bathroom sinks... It can be done. I think my landlord is concerned that it wouldn't have any cost saving benefits and that maintenance would be a problem compared to the way it is now. Any suggestions?
Yes, a multipoint to serve both the bathroom snd the kitchen in place of the cylinder in the cupboard..... easy. Plumbing and power are already there.
Very little maintenance, if any at all.
Should cost less to run for sure.

And... you get more room in the cupboard too :o)
Bathroom AND the kitchen ^^^^^^
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