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Well I Did It!!

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Redhelen72 | 05:55 Thu 07th Sep 2023 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
I cleaned the cupboard of doom!!
Choux you made me determined to do it!!
2 black sacks of rubbish and some stuff for eBay but it’s at least tidy

Have a good day


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Good for you, Helen. The last time I did anything like this, I ended up with 4 big sacks of rubbish but the room didn't look any different. Mrs Clarion says it's my fault for doing a bad job. It's always my fault! :o( Why me?! Why me?!
Take pride in accomplishing a worthy task.
Because it was probably your fault to start with 10clarionst.

What part of being male don't you understand?
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Thank you, we also got the gutters cleaned but I just had to hold the ladder. Had a lovely mooch round a garden centre so all in all a productive day.
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I am tempted to start the garage as that is desperate for a good tidy but I fear it will be too hot
I have a room of doom. Its the attic room. My excuse for this week is that its like a sauna up there. And full of spiders.
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Lol we also have the attic of doom!! But it’s his space with all his games and a sofa!!
I do not go up there because I hate the ladder access
I have a spare bedroom of chaos. Wickes are currently delivering my new kitchen and trying to fit it in the room, I am tired just watching them lugging boxes up and down the stairs.
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Lol Wolf hopes it goes smoothly
When I lived at home, we had a cupboard under the stairs called the glory hole, it’s where everything got shoved that didn’t have a proper home and every time you opened the door half of it fell out.
You’ve just reminded me of that, Helen, happy memories.
Go you, Red! I had every confidence in you achieving your task. Did you find the pesky batteries and vacuum bags? Will you be taking it a little easier today, I assume work beckons for Monday?

I really should try for some shopping further afield but I do not enjoy this very warm weather so really cannot be asked today. The lovely young lady who works in the village shop on Sunday mornings often buys me some items when she does a big supermarket miles away - how kind is that? I don't even ask her to but she understands how meagre a range the local supermarket offers just a few miles from here.

This week is beginning to feel like 101 ways of serving a different salad each day - yesterday's effort included a very acceptable home made Waldorf Salad with some deliciously creamy stilton, think I may pop out for some more of that and hope it is from the same batch ;)
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The garage is. Or getting done we have decided to have an easyish day, we have instead cleaned the conservatory and all the windows and laid a new rug in the dining room.
Off for some self care this afternoon then a free evening before the festivities start tomorrow for the weekend
Well done, RH - when are you free to come round & sort mine out? ;-)
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Anytime lIK as long as you have vodka
LiK, just seeing this thread and you got there before me - RH, can I bags ya after LiK ;) well done you
Carpet dine followed by carpe diem, excellent! Have a great weekend Red :)
I have loads of vodka RH, with oat sticks in them :)

Have a Polish neighbour that keeps bringing them back to me, I don't drink
oaK not oat tsk
Does any place have a greater need to be cleared out rather than hiding the key to one's drinks cupboard???

Don't share it, L-iK x
The vodka would be needed on sight of the task ahead, let alone after its completion :-))

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