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Genius Crossword N0 252

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Matakari | 21:31 Mon 03rd Jun 2024 | Crosswords
29 Answers

Good evening, I’m having a shot at the Genius and have made some interesting headway. The ten special clues demand keen observation and much word sleuthing which keeps me on my toes. Some help with the following should help me to make further inroads into this one. ( I reserve the ST and Mephisto for later to lift  my spirits! )

7a Eccentric aims to pen short book showing Democritus's philosophy (7): ????I??

10a Cover, in French, country singer (6) : ??C???

4d Bard's fellow fiend sanctioned wickedness at the end of year (4-5) : ?????E?I?

17d Extra sober, embraced by great lovers (8) : A???????

18d Jester backing monarch and Cambridge physicist (7) : ?A???N?


(PREAMBLE: In ten clues, wordplay and definition lead to two words or phrases differing by a single letter (e.g. the definition gives GARNISHED while the wordplay gives TARNISHED). Solvers should choose the correct entry by ensuring that the grid displays a principle articulated in 1940 by 22 down – and that these ten solutions adhere to it. )







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Don't have the puzzle, but these look to be:

7 atomism (anag. aims around tom[e])

10 encase/encash (en [Johnny] Cash)

4 yoke-devil (oked evil at end of y(ear))

18 gawking/Hawking (wag [jester] reversed + king)

Yes, RickG, those all worked.


Matakari, that should be an enormous help now - that and the enormous headway you've made already should speed things up.  This was quite a fun puzzle.

17d Amoretti (more TT "in" A1)

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Many thanks, RickGDG and JJ109, I’m coming to a close with the following:
22d Poet's material coming from the south (5) : E?I?T  ( ELIOT )
23d President's vote to block Canadian chanteuse (5 ): ?I?O?
11a Small quantity of spirits getting cool? Take a share (3,2): ?I?I?
After which, I’ll be trying to sort out the ten special answers!

22 yes - toile (material reversed)

23d Nixon/Dixon = Nixon (president) / x(vote) "in" (Celine) Dion

11a Nip in / Dip in 

is 14a 1 of the 10?

Pomona, I hadn't noticed that one yesterday, but I think it is - the 'hands' would give an answer involving R, right,  and L, left, but the thematic entry varies...

No it  isn't

It parses as a normal clue OR a thematic answer

If you count it - then there are 11 thematic entries, therefore it has to be a normal clue

^^ending in RL

Thanks, JJ, I didn't do any counting yesterday - this one was done in a hurry!

I have 14a as one of the 10, and can't see any possibility for an 11th.

I think it must be 1 of the 10 ... in my final grid , obeying the "rule" i have 5 across and 5 down

There are no other answers which obey the rule...

Yes, five acrosses and five downs here too.

I have 4 downs: 2,,18,20,23 for letter swaps

and only three or four acrosses: 9, 10, 11, 14(?)

help please - also would muchappreciate help with the principle

My apologies - I had listed 20d twice!!

Therefore it is ensnare rather than ensnarl for 14a

I guess I am not going to win this month!


Thanks, PM - that was a relief.  And thanks too, JJ, we've all been there, done that, before!

3d is a thematic answer

21a (and now 14a) are thematic answers

quinola .... look at the letters round the outside of your grid along with 22d...gogle them....

quinol 21a is a special too

I can't remember the exact wording - it is something like "The end is a beginning, the beginning an end".

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Genius Crossword N0 252

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