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Why Have These Terrorist Lovers Made Their Home In The U S A ?

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ToraToraTora | 21:13 Wed 24th Jul 2024 | News
11 Answers

Burning their own flag to support terrorist scum? I'd say they have picked the wrong country in which to live. Arrest them and send them to the middle east. They'd love that would they not?



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Are they supporting terrorists or are they protesting against the actions of the Israeli government?


The israeli government is defending its people.

they must be on the sde of terrorists, raped and murdered men women and children deliberately! in order to disgust the world obviously to embolden there fans around the world, the fans only see gaza as an open prison, jews deserve to die for it, women and children as they are erm jews to.

Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has blasted Benjamin Netanyahu's speech today as "by far the worst presentation of any foreign dignitary" to have addressed Congress.

so  it is  not  just the palestinian scum

but TTT you kinda eally knew that didnt you

In the land of the free they're free to speak their mind.

The Israeli PM said they were in the pay of Iran.  That seems most unlikely.

They are protesting againt the ongoing genocide of Palestinians.

Israel is using hunger and disease as a weapon aginst all Palestinians

//In the land of the free they're free to speak their mind.//

And also free to receive the consequences.

And as said on here many times fredom of speech is not feedom to say anything, for instance do you condifer it ok to go into a crowded building and shout "Fire" potentially causing death and mayhem?

Thinking about it and some of your previous posts you probably do. If the room was full of Jews.

The right-wing seem to be struggling with this one.

The right to say anything was demonstrated by The Donald a few short months ago and he was the boss at one time.

Chickens campaigning for KFC, as Netanyahu said.

What a gay thing to say.

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//In the land of the free they're free to speak their mind.//

Yes they can speak their mind and so can their opponents.

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Why Have These Terrorist Lovers Made Their Home In The U S A ?

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