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SIRandyraven | 22:32 Fri 30th Aug 2024 | Body & Soul
10 Answers

My wife has a fear of dentists.

She is now in situation where she needs to visit dentist for a filling that will involve a numbing injection then drilling for filling etc

I have done my best to calm her nerves, but my question is;

- Would she be able to get a sedative from GP to take prior to appointment?




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Only the GP can answer that.

She could maybe ask her dentist about gas and air? You get a wee nose mask so the dentist can work while you stay calm. 

Your wife should speak to the dentist.  He/she might well suggest the use of a drug called midazolam, which is injected into the back of a patient's hand prior to the commencement of the dental work.  (Alternatively, breathing in a mixture of 'laughing gas' and oxygen can be used to relax a nervous patient).

The good thing about gas and air is that it wears off very quickly after you stop inhaling it, so no lasting drowsiness 

My friend has the same fear. She gets a sedative from the dentist. 

I was wrong - again. Pleased you got some more useful replies.

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