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Charger Voltage

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arabbadot | 01:01 Tue 17th Sep 2024 | How it Works
5 Answers

I was sent a 12v 1amp  charger for a machine which says 9v 1amp.

dare I use it ? Will the extra two volts damage the machine.



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Has maths changed that much since I used to teach it?  In my day, 12 - 9 = 3 (not 2)!

Without knowing details of the circuitry of the machine, it's impossible to provide a definitive answer.  However I certainly wouldn't risk it!

It could cause a fire.

Does the charger belong to what you're charging?

Car batteries are 12volts but are charged at something like 14.4volts.

I have 2 Roberts radios, both powered by mains chargers. I switched the rooms they were in but left the chargers where they were. I have now discovered that one had a 9v charger and the other a 12v charger. I now have only one working radio.

If the sender was the manufacturer and it was included in the same package, you're probably okay. Otherwise, you risk reducing your machine to a paperweight in less than one second.

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Charger Voltage

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