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Should I Be Ashamed Of Myself?

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abbeylee90 | 14:52 Sun 20th Oct 2024 | How it Works
9 Answers

I feel really down st times as I am 31 still living at home and no full time job.

Do I need to be ashamed of myself just feel like I'm on my own.


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Abbey, I think you've chosen the wrong category for this?


PS You've told us quite a few times, over the last couple of years,  about how down you are, how your life seems to be going nowhere and so on. I don't think you need to feel ashamed, but I do think you need to address some of your issues, especially where your working life is concerned.

What have you done to be ashamed of?

Just live your life as best you can.

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Which category should it be?

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Ok I can try put this in a different catogry

Abbey, you really need professional help/counselling about your low self-esteem.  You keep beating yourself up about the most unimportant things. 

And you've not got anything to be ashamed of in my opinion.

P.S. I was 32 when I left home.

There is nothing wrong with being by yourself. You have your parents but you must start being truthful with them. You also need to grow up and be an adult, no more drunken nights out. Stop worrying about girlfriends and boy friends. Decide if you want temporary or permanent employment and find the appropriate agency for this. Be realistic in what you can and cannot do re work. Write a good CV, do some charity work. Start making your own decisions re what to wear and what to eat or do. Only you can help yourself

Abbey, did any of the previous advice help? 

There's no point in anyone here telling that 'Yes, you should be ashamed of yourself' - that wouldn't help you in any way at all. People have given you loads of advice, especially about your employment worries - and I think most of that has fallen on stony ground over the past couple of years. 

Abbey had re-posted this question in Body & Soul so I'm closing this thread.

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