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Asbestos Action Breakfast ( Closes 31St December)

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galasalmon | 16:05 Mon 28th Oct 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers

Help please

5/ ? Tie 

11/ Found in some lonely meals 

12/ Crescent of the moon 

13/ Sleekly dividend 

14/ A mule 

Thank you. 




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14 Muffin

11 melon

5. Kipper   (tie)

12 Croissant?

13 Devilled kidneys (anagram)

Why don't you ask all the questions you want all at once rather than a few at a time.................saves time!

Question Author

Thanks,Because I usually get into trouble for asking .

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Asbestos Action Breakfast ( Closes 31St December)

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