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Dentist Nhs Query?

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cleoval | 21:04 Mon 28th Oct 2024 | How it Works
15 Answers

Hi My husband and i have just become Pensioners.  We are on very low State Pensions and have no savings. My Question is, Will we have to pay at our NHS Dentist for treatment.? TIA.  



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nope you'll get everything buck shee.

as my ability to post linkseems to have neem taken away from me, ill try again!

if it doesnt work, are you on pension credit if so, no

you may be still elligible for WFA too!

Are you on any low-income benefits? If so, yes free treatment. free treatment (despite TTT's answer).

Your link doesn't seem to work bednobs. 

Try this:

Seems as a pensioner you must be in receipt of pension credits.

We are pensioners and have to pay

Bednobs your link works fine for me.

Apologies by trobiscite friends are correct it seems. You have worked too hard and paid enough years NI to get a state pension. You must therefore struggle. If you'd been a waste of space ponce for the last 40 years you'd have got everything free. Apologies.

Why is the scrounging scum life style rewarded? ...and yes I blame the blues too.

Pension credits do seem to be a gateway to lots of   things- when wfa, free dental treatment , housing benefit., help with council tax, special extra fuel discounts for vulnerable customers, etc- must be worth nearer £5000 a year in full. Make sure you check you are eligible for it

Where in the UK are you?

I'm sure Cleoval is in England 

roughly where, I work in a dental hospital and before the students left you could sign up to be a patient with them and they do everything, crowns, bridges, fillings, false teeth, all  free, the students have left now but are in their own purpose built teaching hospital

Where I live you need a referral to be treated at our dental hospital

im not cleo but i believe shes in yorkshire

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