Soap in The AnswerBank: Beauty
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Khandro | 16:22 Wed 11th Dec 2024 | Beauty
23 Answers

The product, not the great old TV series!

I have bought a tablet of soap as a small Christmas gift for a woman family member (D.I.L.) via Amazon. Cost: 16 quid with p.p.

It's perfumed with frankincense & Myrrh which I thought would be appropriate. Even in its wrapper it smells a bit overpowering. Anyone know of it ? Should I give it to her or try for something else ?  Can anyone recommend a nice perfumed soap alternative ? 

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Molton and Brown do lovely bath sets

I want to know about it...sounds like something my daughter would like...and me too. A lot of scented soaps are quite strongly scented. I've got a few...lemon I think...in my hall closest...and they smell divine. 

These Italian soaps are divine and the bars are huge.

Amazon.co.uk User Recommendationref=sr_1_41?crid=1QAN8QK0TF2L5&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.tfVgQ8EifBEoAY-iFlZks1NfUy-24TSykzEfZnhWOG46P5FvD7gBT0JlkM6Mr_AnOZwXJ5HnwCWW68R_quGTOJeTPDAMn9OxfecvS5LYLjdB1dOoTPeh0NxbSoF_uwEr0APxVI2IGidv69Q_9xXJzJXHI-8sZqP-40t8gBoyEujmpRdev6mPjnkJ-RzOf5F7SEBUTIgUVC9uAE7we5uwtrVFW7xT4yeU7T7ra7vPo-poS17G5D5ZgxrfWAprVUlNci8-c3UYvUNeXnvOm82NDVjWQMr4PxuZ6_3ZQRFdsxDmFoaBNVmNIuprNV5TfJt_MtvydJfCOVolKGxkcSmOgNRGAhgL9KN-qr9tzP67TvHnlp2nJWkoRHEZtBJZmiVN4JbAdWMNugH6De1P3sn4ZFrIg6KNiPO95c8kBEarDzLDMOZFGPbO56T5bxZfyLKa.8XyPRd0RVA5iDbqgVLaMdf5YPu_nvfOpbcf8VCx5Quo&dib_tag=se&keywords=scented%2Bsoap&qid=1733934603&s=beauty&sprefix=Scented%2Bs%2Cbeauty%2C129&sr=1-41&th=1


This sounds like a very attractive gift. Do not hesitate to give it to the lady. She will love you for ever!

Surely by giving soap you're implying the recipient needs a good wash 🤣

Canary42: no, no, no! The giving of such a gift implies a recognition that the recipient will enhance her beauty and her attractiveness!

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pasta; It's made by The English Soap Company, - easy to find on Amazon UK

Given my humble origins, I find the smell of carbolic and donkey-brand a huge turn-on.

Well, Atheist. It looks as though you might be easy to please this Christmas.

Probably smells overpowering cos it's not errr, diluted :)

Friend of mine loves the English Soap Company.

I'm sure your d.i.l.will love it !

bookie... Trouble is, you can't get them nowadays.

The only one I can see on Amazon, from The English Soap Co is £10.


A bar of Tesco soap for my Mum then... Phew! I was running out of ideas.

I hate soap and immediately throw away any I'm given. Fortunately most people who know me, know how I feel about soap so I rarely get given any these days.

It leaves soap scum, goes a bit slimy in a soap dish and just generally messes up the basins. 
Give me a nice bottle of handwash instead, or even a cheap bottle..no mess, no waste, no scum.

You never needed to scrub Vegus... lucky you

Vagus; handwash can't be rinsed off the hands properly. However long you rinse, your hands remain slippery. And anyway, what is hand wash? It's probably dish detergent with a bit of extra smell to appear as though it's good for you.


Vagus...do you actually *throw it away...?* or do you donate it to a homeless charity or food bank?

Thanks khandro. The soaps on this site look nice...and cheaper. I just found one for my daughter.

Amazon.co.uk User Recommendation?coliid=IA7QVK2C209Y3&colid=O6B5YFMPKVUU&ref_=list_c_wl_lv_ov_lig_dp_it&th=1

I like soaps from The Body Shop - 

I like the scent of the various soaps sold by The Body Shop. 

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