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T W A U ... The's Gem.....

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ToraToraTora | 20:09 Fri 20th Dec 2024 | Film, Media & TV
8 Answers

MC this time.....

Q: The answer to the ultimate question is revealed how many minutes into the film "The hitch-hikers guide to the galaxy"?

A: 22  B: 42  C: 62

Answer A:





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Back to normal, eh.


Who's that moustachioed chap dressed as Santa in your avatar?

Well it's easy if you have ever seen or heard the series or quote or if you were paying attention in the early 80s. How old is the MC?

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you have to be a moron not to know this, seriously? You'd rather be a moron than have a giggle? Ok you win!

Come on Tora, we're both Sci-Fi fans, we're going to find this question easy, but HHGTTG hasn't been widely quoted since the (flop) movie fifteen or so years ago. Not knowing this doesn't make someone a moron.

Not your usual high standard tora where the answer is within the question 😊

If we're talking moronic this OP is moronic.  I've never read the books or seen the series nor the movie.  You may be familiar with all, TTT, but in truth you really have lost the plot - and it shows.

The only reason I know the answer is because I once read it on AB.  Others perhaps weren't that fortunate.

//you have to be a moron not to know this, seriously?//

So everyone who hasn't read the book, watched the movie is a moron?

There's only one moron on this thread, the one that considers himself superior to all others.

Do you wear your underpants on the outside TTT, just like most superheroes?

Asking for a friend that doesn't give a ***🙄

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T W A U ... The's Gem.....

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