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Labour Council Wants To Cancel Local Elections.....

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ToraToraTora | 13:02 Wed 08th Jan 2025 | News
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If you read down in your link, TTT, you'll see that Essex County Council (which is Conservative-controlled) is also considering cancelling its elections.

This scares me.  

Both partys are running scared of Reform so is it any surprise.

2TK will do anything in his power (no doubt including jailing those who disagree with him - he has form now) to cling to power.

We are now a third world nation.

I have been flagging this up now since early December when the plot was sneaked out by local government minister Jim McMahon. It is a definite ploy to prevent Reform from unseating the well established, entrenched even,  and thoroughly corrupt bi-party councillors from carrying on as normal with their rinse and repeat parasitic methods. 
// With Reform targeting seats all over the country ahead of the May elections, the party and its leading figures have issued a series of dire warnings over Labour's "threat to democracy". A spokesman for the party told GB News: "It's quite clear these elections are potentially being cancelled because of the rise of Reform.
"They're running scared of the ballot box. Labour know the only way they can avoid losing the elections is if they cancel them." While party chairman Zia Yusuf wrote on social media: "First, Labour's former Deputy PM Baroness Harman claims Reform is a 'threat to democracy' for having the gall to offer British voters a real alternative. "She specifically talked about how poorly Labour were doing in Council by-elections. Today, a Labour minister talks about literally dispensing with local elections. "This authoritarian Labour government are a threat to democracy."//

Not on the mainstream media news. GB News. 

If anyone is a threat to democracy it's this bunch!

it just makes inept corrupt councils unaccountable, just carry on the normal rinsing.

They won't stop until they are stopped.

7 years is almost a double term. No excuse to cancel elections then.

The French knew how to deal with people like this that used people as fools and left them to poverty.

Now where's that guillotine?

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