I think I'd like to disagree. I've been in attendance at lots of human as well as animal deaths. In the case of animals some of the deaths, as the result of gunshot wounds from hunting, have been violent, that is sudden with some trauma. I've yet to see such loss of bodily contents. If you think about it, we've all seen sead animals and perhaps pictures of dead people in the stages of decomposition where the gases within the body have bloated the body. This wouldn't happen if the gasses were allowed to escape. I'm sure there are cases where this can happen, but not usually. Whether an old wives tale or not, public hangings of criminals used to be well attended since it was believed that the trauma of the broken spinal column at the 3rd and 4th cervical vertebrae produced an erection. Many well reported witnesses of hangings fail to support this phenomena. Reports of hangings that use only the "short drop" method where death is the result of stangulation can cause loss of bodily funtions, as reported in middle eastern countries that use thismethod...