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Error 31 - CD Rom not working

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Curious79 | 11:25 Sat 18th Feb 2006 | Technology
2 Answers
Please please can someone help me. I am trying to use my Cd Rom and keep getting the following message:
This device is not working properly because Windows cannot load the drivers required for this device. (Code 31)
HELP. I have found a few websites that talk about filters but I don't really understand what I need to do to rectify this. It is driving me mad , please can someone help me with an idiots guide!!!
Thanks in advance


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When did it go wrong, and what can you remember doing before it went wrong?

Right-click my computer, click properties. click the hardware tab, and then device manager. may be a little different for you, but you don't state what version of windows you're running.

under the CD-ROM drives section, your drive will be listed (probably with an exclamation or question mark next to it). right-click, and click "scan for hardware changes". if it finds anything, its just a case of following through the options. restart, and see if that helps.

if that doesn't, go back into device manager, and right-click the drive and click uninstall. once its off device manager, right-click your computer's icon in device manager (the very top), and scan for hardware changes again. see if that works..
I've seen this when you uninstall Roxio Easy CD creator and it leave the CD not working. You have to change the UpperFilters and LowerFilters values in the registry. See here and #7

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Error 31 - CD Rom not working

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