Why don't AB create some new categories? For eg. puzzles and conundrums... science... and, er... em, I did have some others which I've now forgotten, but I'm sure people can come up with some suggestions???
I'm surer the creators of the AB will have done considerable research into the catagories before they were put in place, and in the first couple of years, each was monitored by specialists in each subject area, and judging by the fact that each catagory is visited regulalry two years on (a lifetime in website time!) they have been proved right. If it ain't broke ...
Fair comment gazzawazza - note the introduction if the 'Adverts' section which was created as a response to the heavy influx of 'ad music ' questions in other Sections - particulalry Music, so if some other strand makes itself known through use of the Site, I am sure the powers that be will note it, and create accordingly.