Painting Breeze Blocks in The AnswerBank: Home & Garden
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Painting Breeze Blocks

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aurora83 | 15:06 Wed 17th May 2006 | Home & Garden
4 Answers

Is it ok to paint breeze blocks with normal emulsion?

It is for the inside of a garage (will only be used internally)

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Hi aurora, yes it is ok, but the are a devil to cover,you have to stipple the paint on because of all the little holes,might be an idea to buy some cheap emulsion water it down, clear the garage and spray instead of trying to cover with brush or roller, good luck, Ray
Emulsion is fine but you will certainly need two coats at least as the first coat will soak in and act as a sealer. Another method would be to buy a pigmented sealer and apply that first. That would then provide a good base coat.

Hi aurora83, Some years ago I painted the inside of my garage using white masonry paint. It has kept in excellent condition and needed no touching up over the years. Is there any particular reason you mention emulsion?

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Thanks for the answers.

I have considered masonary paint, but i didn't really think it was necessary as it is only to cover the interior.

I like the idea of spraying them.

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